Reflecting Back on the First 5K
By Macy Hartman The start of my senior year was a blur as we entered into a brand-new school, fall sport seasons, and picking an NHS...

Pie, Pie, and More Pie
Earlier this summer, Jil asked if I would be interested in writing a blog post for the 10th Annual Princess Warrior Run, Walk, Roll,...

Best Friends Forever
By Madison Packer I have been thinking about what to write since I was asked. I don’t want cancer to define Jane or my relationship with...

Living "Your Dash" To The Fullest
By: Nikki Fechtelkotter In obituaries and on gravestones there are two dates…..the date we are born which is celebrated with great joy...

Princess Warrior 5K: Year 10
By: Shania Holst 10th annual 5K: 10 years. It has been 10 years since this legacy has started that Jane created. Each year, this event...